Wednesday, 18 April 2012

test: plasterboarding bay

  • The first thing we done was to make sure that we had the correct P.P.E (goggls, steel toe capped boots and gloves). we wore gloves to protect our hands from the gypsum inside plasterboard. we wore steel toe capped boots to protect our feet from heavy object. we wore goggles to protect our eyes from the gypsum dust in the air.
  • we then got all the materials and tools that we need (knife, tap measure, pencil and spirit level.
  • we first measured the bay then we transferd those mesurement on to the plaster board so that it was ready to cut
  • once all the marking out were done we then began to cut down the marked line. We done this using a retratable knife and a spirit level we put the spirit level alone the marked line so that it was more acurate.
  • once the plasterboard was cut we  then fitted it useing dry wall screws
  • once all the bit of plasterboard was fitted we then had to clean the tools and tidy our bays and the workshop.
  • once it was ll tidy we reported that the job was done.      

test: plastering bay

  • The first thing we done was to make sure we were wearing the correct p.p.e (gloves, goggles and steel toed capped boots). We wore gloves to protect our hands form the plaster in case someone was to have a elergic reaction. We wore goggles to protect our eyes from any plaster or foreign objects. We wore steel toed capped boots to protect out feet in case we were to drop anything heavy.
  • The next thing we done was to make sure that all the equipment we were using was clean and were not damaged
  • The next thing we did was to make the plaster, first we added the water and then added the plaster. we made sure that the plaster was the correct consistency (not to thin and not to thick).
  • We then loaded our hawks and began to load the bay walls. we made sure that there were no holes and that the whole of the wall had been coverd.
  • Once the wall had dryed a bit we then smoothed it down ready for the seccond coat. 
  • once the first coat was completly dry we then had to seal it we done tis by useing wated down PVA glue. after we sealed it we then waited to the wall to dry so that we could add the second coat.
  • we then began to add the second coat of plaster. we made sure that the second coat was even with no lumps once we covered the wall we cleaned our tools while the wall dryed abit so that we could begin smoothing. To smooth we had to wait untill the walls had dryed but not too much just enoth so that it was workable, we smoothed by starting from the edge and then pulling it into the middle with the trowel then puling the trowel down over the lines we kepted doing this untill smooth.
  • we then had to clean up our bays, tools and the workshop. 
  • finaly we reported that the job were done