Tuesday, 28 February 2012

miscoat paint

  1. The first thing we done was to make sure we were wearing the correct P.P.E (gloves, goggles and boots) we wore gloves to keep the paint off our hands so that we wood not acciodentaly spread paint every where. we wore steel toe capped boots to protect our feet from any heavy objects. we wore goggles to protect our eyes in case some of the paint got flicked.
  2. the next thing we did was to get all the aquired tools (paint brush, bucket and water)
  3. we then mixed some water with some paint for the miscoat.
  4. then we began to spread the watered down paint all over the wall. 
  5. once the paint had dryed we could see where we needed to fill
  6. we then cleand up and reported that the job were done.

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