Saturday, 18 February 2012


  1. The first thing we did was to put on our P.P.E (gloves, goggles and steel toe capped boots). we wore goggles to protect our eyes from any plaster that may have been flicked. We wore steel toe capped boots to protect our feet from any heavy objects. We wore gloves to protect our hands in case any one had a reaction to the plaster.
  2.  The next thing we had to do was to get all of our tools and the materials required.
  3. We then had to mix up the plaster. we did this by putting some water in a bucket and then we poured some of the water in to another bucket along with some plaster. we then mixed it up until it became the right density (not to runny and not to lumpy).
  4. Then we made sure that all our tool we clean. then we putt a bit of plaster on our pallet an rubbed it in with the trell so that the plaster could not slide while we were plastering.
  5. we then began to plaster our wall. we had to make sure that the first coat had lines so that we could polish them out after the first coat had set abit.
  6. after we had polished out the lines on the wall we then had to begin another coat. after we placed all the plaster on the wall and polished all the line out. we made sure that the we filled all the area.
  7. after the plaster had set we made sure that there are no lumps and if there were we could sand the down.
  8. finally we cleaned the work area making sure there there is no plaster on the floor.
  9. then we reported that the job were done.      

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