Wednesday, 10 October 2012

man hole cover

Common defects

Through weather conditons over the years, the drain can eventually start to get rusty and make it week, so people cna fall through it. The drain also starts to get bendy
  • Pug
  • water
  • drain cover

Whislt laying the cement. It will make the drain very strong so it can take alot of weight. Inlcuding cars going over it, and people.
  • spirit level (4ft)
  • pointing trowel
  • bucket
  • bin
  • broom
  • dust pan
Risks assesment
There's a couple of hazards they you can fall down the man hole if the drain cover isn't strong enough. you can get the pug in your eye's. Some people can react with the pug and come out in a rash to the skin. Methord statment

The first thing we have to do is to view the property and determend how much work is needed and the amount of time it will take. The next thing we will have to do is to get all the required materials and tools. we then will send a quote and if the cilent is happy we will then proceed with the work.
We then had to get the correct p.p.e before we start. Gloves, Steel toe caps, goggles. We started to clean out the area and scooping the old pug out of the bricks and putting it in a bucket. We then took the drain off and started to put pug arund the edge. we kept making sure that the man-hole was level. once we made sure that it was all level we then smothered the puground so that we could get a good finish. once all the sides were smother we then tidyed every thing and made sure that no pug was in the drain because other wise it could cause a blockage. after ever think was tidy we then put the cover on and reported that the job were done.
3 x labours £9.00 per hours £54.00
fuel= £10.00
morta = £6
cover and frame = £20.00
Task will take 2hours
total cost = £90.00

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